“There were recordings the band laid down prior to Dimebag’s death that are near completion,” so Damageplan-Manager Paul Bassman, in seinem ersten Interview nach dem Mord an “Dimebag” Darrell Abbott und drei weiteren Menschen, während eines Damageplan-Konzertes in Columbo, mit billboard.com. Vinnie Paul, Schlagzeuger der Band und Abbotts Bruder, bestätigt dies. Es sei in Dimebags Sinn, dass seine Musik Gehör finde.
Bassmann zeigt sich tief beeindruckt von der öffentlichen Reaktion nach dem Tod der vier Menschen am 08. Dezember
“The outpouring of kind thoughts, sadness and condolences have meant so much to all of us. On behalf of all the families impacted by this horrible tragedy, let me share a public acknowledgement of our gratitude.”
Er fordere eine verstärkte Sicherheit der Künstler bei Club-Auftritten:
“How this man got onstage without encountering security is the most puzzling question. All clubs should be prepared for whatever presents itself to protect any artist they have contracted to perform on their stage. In this particular case it may or may not have helped, but it certainly would not have hurt. Hopefully, a tragedy such as this will never be repeated.”